How to Start a Conversation on Tinder: 12 Best Dos and Don’ts

How to Start a Conversation on Tinder: 12 Best Dos and Don'ts

In the digital age, How to Start a Conversation on Tinder dating apps are a staple for single people, and they don’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. Millions of people around the world use Tinder, so you won’t run out of potential matches!

It never hurts to brush up on your Tinder etiquette, whether you’re new to the app or an avid user. You’ve probably broken some unspoken Tinder rules without even realizing it.

Making a connection with a match might be a simple fix! How many awkward first conversations have you had on Tinder?

Starting a conversation with a potential love interest online can be intimidating, but don’t worry!

1. Compliment a photo

You don’t have to be weird about it! For instance, if they have a picture of a beach, compliment them on what an awesome photo it is and ask where it was taken.

2. Donโ€™t Start with โ€œHeyโ€

Ah, sigh. Everyone dislikes opening up a Tinder conversation with a message that says “Hi.” Doesn’t seem like much effort, does it? It’s officially the most boring conversation in the history of dating apps. They say “Hi,” you say “How’s it going,” and voila! (And won’t lead anywhere.)

3. Send something flirty

Flirting is okay as long as it doesn’t seem creepy. Put a bit of teasing into it, such as, “You like pineapple on pizza?” I need an explanation.” ( ๐Ÿ˜‰)

4. Be the first to move, don’t wait

It doesn’t matter who makes the first move! Go for it if you’re interested. It’s never too late to try, is it?

5. Don’t be afraid to ask about their interests

Check out their interests and hobbies to see if you have anything in common. In the end, there’s nothing better than realizing you both love true-crime documentaries.

6. Don’t be too aggressive

Although you don’t want to keep your initial greeting too short (looking at you, people who say “heyyy”), you also don’t want to tell your entire life story. Until you receive a response, you shouldn’t bombard them with messages.

How to Start a Conversation on Tinder

7. Keep it simple

Tinder conversations should be simple, but engaging. I’d say, “Hey there!” Do you have anything exciting planned this week? โ€

8. Don’t wait too long to respond

Show them your love if you’re into them! You should give them a chance to take their finger off the enter key before responding, but don’t let them think you aren’t interested.

9. Don’t be afraid to ask questions

Start the conversation with a good question. You can simply say, โ€œYou seem to like corny humor like I do, do you have any good dad jokes? โ€

10. Don’t talk about super deep topics

On Tinder, no one wants to hear your political or philosophical commentary right away. When you’re dating, save the deep conversations.

11. Make sure your spelling and grammar are correct

Typos happen, but if they’re overtly bad, they can ruin a conversation. Their only concern will be correcting “your” to “you’re”.

12. Make sure you take a look at their profile

Make sure you read it thoroughly! Take the time to get to know each other before starting a conversation on Tinder. It might just help you figure out what to say.

Here are some funny ways to start a Tinder conversation

1. Does your name appear on Wi-Fi? It feels like we are connected.

2. Your beauty made me forget my pickup line.

3. As a booger, I’d pick you first.

4. For a day, was your dad king? To create a princess like you, he must have been very special.

5. You’re Google, right? This is what I was looking for, and I found it.

6. Do you come here often?

7. It’s been a while since you messaged me, but I guess I’ll take one for the team.

8. Can I exercise by swiping through this dating app?


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