How Does a Mental Health Coach Help? (Updated 2023)

Life Coaching - How Does a Mental Health Coach Help?

Mental Health Coach Help Life coaches who specialize in mental health issues are called mental health coaches. Unlike life coaching, mental illness coaching does not diagnose or treat mental illness. As vague as it sounds (which it is), Mental Health Coaching is a good option. A few key concepts will help you to see the differences, and a worthwhile path forward will emerge. We will describe mental health coaches in this article:

  • Coaching and counseling are two different types of mental health services
  • What is the difference between life coaching and mental health coaching?
  • What mental health coaches do in detail

Coaching vs. Counseling: What Is the Difference?

There are many similarities between coaching and counseling. Counselors and coaches both:

  • Professionally compensated
  • Training in psychology is required
  • Partner with others to ensure accountability
  • In between sessions, provide homework suggestions, usually for an hour at a time
  • Talk to people about problems, goals, and solutions
  • Concentrate your efforts exclusively on your clients
  • Make sure you ask probing questions and offer feedback
  • Reference to the

The above would be illegal if you didn’t have a license as a counselor. People tend to share what they’re going through with others most of the time! It is not only life coaches who do this, but also mentors, consultants, supervisors, and even good friends. Talking to people about their problems doesn’t require you to be a counselor!

How does a counselor differ from other professionals? 

The traditional mental health industry (counselors and psychiatrists) differs from other health care industries in that they are legally permitted to diagnose and treat mental illness. Mental illness can be diagnosed only when there is a diagnosable mental health disorder. Diagnostic and statistical manuals (DSM) serve as a guide for counselors in making diagnoses. If a non-licensed professional declares someone mentally ill or knowingly attempts to treat them, it is illegal. It’s not worth it.

Often, mental illness terminology is used too casually, which can be confusing. It’s common for people to say things like: 

It’s so depressing! This is the hardest I’ve ever experienced in my life.”

“I sometimes get overwhelmed by my anxiety.”

In my life, I have experienced a fair amount of trauma.

There is a common association between all of these expressions and mental illness. It is estimated that 7% of the U.S. population suffers from Major Depressive Disorder. Depression may be a symptom of this mental illness. 

There are several mental illnesses listed in the DSM that are classified as anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Also, trauma is associated with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). 

Symptoms of a mental illness are typically considered symptoms of excessive and persistent symptoms by the counseling industry, but most of us do not realize that. Excessive and persistent symptoms are required. Medical authorities, such as the Mayo Clinic, define mental illness as symptoms that interfere with your ability to function:

Mood, thinking, and behavior disorders are mental illnesses, also known as mental health disorders. The most common mental illnesses are depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders, and addictions.

Mental health issues are common among many people. However, a mental health concern becomes a mental illness if it causes frequent stress and impairs your functioning.

You can suffer from a mental illness and have difficulties at work, school, or in relationships. Referring to

In Australia, the Department of Health of the Victorian State Government reports:

It is not true that all anxiety disorders are mental disorders.

Mental Health Coach Help

Humans are prone to anxiety and fear from time to time – these feelings are normal and helpful when faced with danger. Nevertheless, some people suffer from excessive and irrational anxiety and worry that interferes with their lives. Anxiety disorders may cause this behavior. There is often no logical or obvious reason for the way someone feels. Sufferers of anxiety disorders may find this to be even more worrying. As a reference

Division of the Canadian Mental Health Association in British Columbia

When anxiety becomes overwhelming or unmanageable, it is a problem. Having an anxiety disorder has a significant impact on your life. Anxiety may cause people to avoid going about their daily lives. As a reference

Thus, so many casual discussions about depression and anxiety lack a clinical understanding of these terms. As coaches, we need to pay attention Mental Health Coach Help to only the clinical expressions of these words. Essentially, it is a matter of extremes. Is the depression, anxiety, or trauma severe or debilitating? Refer the client to a clinical counselor or doctor if the symptoms interfere with the client’s ability to function.

Life Coaching and Mental Health Coaching: What’s the Difference?

Life coaches and mental health coaches may not differ significantly from clinicians trained in traditional mental health. Legally, neither can diagnose or treat mental illness. Coaches differ in their methodology from those in the training industry. The methods of coaching used by mental health coaches are more sophisticated. Our mental health coach training at the iNLP Center is based on parts psychology.

Here is a detailed example of what mental health coaches do using parts psychology:

In a mental health coaching session with Jenna (name changed to protect her privacy), she said the following:

It’s important for me to express myself and learn to stand up for myself. As a result, I will be respected more, and I am tired of being taken for granted. In a logical sense, I understand! There’s a part of me that won’t do it. I can’t say anything because it freezes me. My throat feels constricting, and I’m stuck there. When I manage to get part of what I want to say out before I freeze, it’s even worse.

As a life coach , you may discover hidden strengths or discover a greater sense of purpose for what you do by setting goals and breaking them down into manageable chunks. The mental health coach, however, may also delve further into the part of the client that freezes when faced with self-expression opportunities.

Inner communication is a two-way street according to the Interactive Mind principle. Two-way communication is possible between the conscious client and the frozen part. In line with this understanding, the following has been reported:

  1. Having a voice is important to the client
  2. The client freezes at every opportunity because part of her doesn’t want her to express herself

As a result of compartmentalizing conflicting thoughts and feelings, the client is at odds with herself. This is what our minds do! There is no way to commit 100% to anything when you are experiencing such inner conflict. It can be extremely frustrating to experience self-sabotage in this way. Despite this, compartmentalization does not seem mysterious when viewed from this perspective. 

When two committed people disagree, what should they do? Get in touch! In the same way, our inner lives are equally important. We communicate with our minds all day long through thoughts and feelings. Though many of the thoughts and feelings you have come from parts of you with a positive intention and are beyond committed to your well-being, we usually take the helpful ones for granted and condemn the unhelpful ones. Despite the fact that parts of ourselves communicate with us every day, we are not taught how to communicate with ourselves. 

A mental health coach facilitates inner communication for self-integration and healing. This is a nutshell summary of what they do. Communication (with others) becomes increasingly authentic and aligned along the way.

A person’s inner communication includes Mental Health Coach Help more than just words, but also images, sounds, and feelings. An example of a freezing part is shown above, where the part in question contains a feeling – probably a cold, tight feeling in the torso with a clear message: Don’t speak up! Don’t let anyone hear you!

This feeling can obscure the reality that adversity has found its way into your psyche at just the right time and is imposing its will on you. Your words won’t come out, even though you want to speak up. There is a powerful part of your mind that is affected by this adversity. 

This is just one example of the freezing process. Consider the possibility of being promoted at work. While you’re applying and interviewing, a nagging voice in your head tells you that you’ll fail miserably and look foolish. The inner voice might seem nonsensical to you and you might dismiss it. As a matter of fact, you are qualified and competent for the job. This part of you intensifies as the interview approaches, and so does your irrational anxiety. 

It doesn’t matter whether we approve or disapprove of these compartmentalized thoughts and feelings, they have an influence on us. It often makes matters worse when you disapprove of them. Disgruntled parts do not respond well to systematically ignoring, Mental Health Coach Help just like disgruntled people. Our parts, however, never give up. The longer we avoid them, the more likely they are to return.

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Motivational Coaching Techniques

Motivational Coaching Techniques - Here Are Leadership coaching strategies To Help Your Team

Learn how Motivational Coaching Techniques inspire their students to make incredible changes.

As a life coach, I use these techniques every day. Any aspiring life coach should follow my example. 

It doesn’t matter who you are, these tips could motivate you to achieve incredible success.

Let’s get started.

Discovering Your ‘Why’

It’s impossible to commit to lasting change without a compelling reason. So a life coach should begin by helping their client understand their ‘why’ deeply.

Financial success isn’t determined by the zeros in your bank account, it’s determined by what you can buy with them. 

1. Don’t let your potential slip away!

You can access my self-growth area for FREE and gain more fulfillment, success, control, and love for yourself!

Getting in shape isn’t about getting six-pack abs, it’s about improving your self-esteem and achieving your goals.  

The coach will remind the client what’s important if motivation slips.

2. In the event that you don’t take action, what will happen?

In some cases, fear can be more motivating than desire. Coaches often encourage clients to think about the consequences of not changing.

Clients will be encouraged to focus on the things they dislike about their lives, and to imagine what it will be like if the situation does not change. 

What will be their suffering? Is their family going to suffer as a result? 

The moment someone realizes that staying the same is worse than changing, they’ll commit to lasting change. 

3. Deadlines and Their Use

The power of deadlines is understood by a great coach. People often procrastinate endlessly without a strict deadline.

Often, coaches will try to help clients realize they’re losing control of their lives. The hours seem to fly by so quickly in many motivational speeches. 

It is often this realisation that inspires people to act NOW.

As part of their one-on-one coaching, a competent life coach always sets goals with deadlines. 

4. There is skin in the game

Motivational coaches charge a lot for their services for a good reason. It’s not just for financial reasons. 

People are more motivated to take action when they have financial ‘skin in the game’. 

Paying $10,000 a month for professional advice would probably encourage you to follow it more closely. The return on your investment would motivate you to become successful. 

5. The Right Way To Set Goals

Setting goals is a great way to motivate yourself into action. This is only true if they are set properly. You can lose motivation if a goal is too easy, vague, or difficult.

Check out this guide to learn how to set goals that matter. 

6. Establish a relationship 

It is more likely that people will follow the advice of people they like. A great coach will put a lot of effort into building rapport with his or her clients. By doing this, they are able to build a strong personal relationship with all of their clients and help them achieve their goals.

7. Skills in communication

Great coaches know they can’t motivate anyone if they don’t hold their attention. This is why they will spend many hours training on effective communication. To make people listen and remember what they are saying, they will learn to tweak their vocabulary, use their voice and alter their body language.

8. Using real-life examples

When you tell people a real-life story, they are more likely to remember what you say. Step-by-step instructions aren’t as memorable as videos – but they can be great sources of inspiration.

If you’re a motivational coach, feel free to tell inspirational stories from life. Explain how you climbed from the bottom to where you are today. These are particularly motivational and can make you more relatable to those starting from a lower base.

9. Motivational Coaching Techniques vision

Coaches often ask their clients to envision their ideal life by closing their eyes. Getting people excited about improving is one way to motivate them. 

Imagination cannot be separated from reality, so when people accomplish their dreams, they feel an actual high. 

They will hopefully be motivated enough by that high to pursue their dream.   

10. Teamwork is key

The power of being cheered on by a motivated team should not be underestimated. An inspirational tool like this is one of the best investments you can make.  

Working for hours because you don’t want to let them down is common when you have a team pulling in the same direction.

Coaching Tips for FREE!

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This is why coaches launch online mastermind groups, team challenges, and seminars for groups.

Having a sense of community can inspire people greatly.

Motivational Coaching Techniques

11. Accountability 

Even in a one-on-one coaching scenario, accountability can do so much to keep people motivated.

If you promise someone you’re going to finish a task by a certain date and you don’t follow through, it creates a sense of guilt.

On the other hand, if no-one will find out you’ve been slacking off, you’re more prone to doing so. 

That’s why a good coach will not only help you set goals, but also hold you accountable for hitting them. 

12. Emotion is created by motion

The concept was coined by Tony Robbins.

Standing, moving, speaking, and breathing have a direct impact on your emotional state, according to the theory. 

Body language can have a significant impact on your motivation. 

The fact that a Motivational Coaching Techniques audience will jump and cheer at their live seminars is no coincidence. 

People can even feel more positive with the help of a coach, even in a one-on-one setting.

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Here Are Leadership coaching strategies To Help Your Team

Life Coaching - Here Are Leadership coaching strategies To Help Your Team

Providing coaching services

A lack of Leadership coaching strategies and team cohesion leads to failure when it comes to achieving team or organizational objectives. Employees who know what is expected of them, the goals they are trying to achieve, and how they contribute to the team’s success are better positioned to win customers, outperform their competitors, and boost profits.

You will become a more effective manager for your team members by developing your management repertoire through the 10 effective coaching strategies listed below.

The first step is to know your employees

The key to being a great manager is knowing your team well. You should make a concerted effort to get to know your employees better. Discover each person’s strengths and weaknesses; what motivates them and what discourages them. To maximize the effectiveness of your team, consider having each member complete regular self-evaluations as well as formal personality testing.

Transparency should be promoted

Transparency builds trust, builds relationships, and ensures everyone is on the same page. When you foster an open communication culture at the top, you help to foster a company culture of transparency. Ask yourself these questions to promote transparency within your team:

  • How often do I allow others to get to know me? ”
  • How well have I communicated my values and motivations to my team members? ”
  • How clear and consistent am I in my choices and decisions? ”
  • What do I do if I make a mistake or discover an error in my knowledge base? ”

As a leader, you can’t expect your team members to do anything you wouldn’t do yourself. Set an example for others to follow.

The key to success is collaboration

It is in our nature to be competitive as humans. Therefore, office competition is often second nature. You can, however, cultivate a culture that flourishes as a team and one that inspires members to rely on each other by discouraging unhealthy competition and encouraging collaboration.

Establish clear objectives and goals

Without strategic planning, it is virtually impossible to define objectives and goals clearly. Gather your team and brainstorm ways to meet your longer-term goals after discussing the big picture. Taking advantage of individual strengths and asking for team commitment, creativity, and dedication is a good approach at this point. To keep everyone accountable and gauge the progress and accomplishments of your team, develop a timeline that includes milestones and benchm

Celebrate your success

Celebrating milestones and benchmark goals keeps your team motivated, inspired, and on track. Don’t forget to celebrate the individual and team achievements of your team members as well. Individual and team motivation and morale can be enhanced by highlighting everything from work anniversaries and personal growth accomplishments to professional gains and employee successes follow Leadership coaching strategies.

Leadership coaching strategies

Building mutual Leadership coaching strategies

An effective coaching relationship is built on a foundation of balanced trust. In addition to fostering transparency, you may also want to establish an open door policy, be friendly, nonjudgmental in your coaching meetings, and show employees that you value them and are interested in their success, as well as showing them that you care about them, consider them valuable members of the team, and have a keen interest in them.

Prepare the ground for success by paving the way

If you don’t lay the groundwork for your team to operate effectively, you can’t expect them to do so. If something is lacking, fill the gap as quickly as possible. This applies to training, software, resources, strategies, materials, and anything else your team might need.

Feedback should be constructive

Feedback is one of the most crucial aspects of employee coaching. It can make or break a team’s success. How have your employees performed well? Can you give me an example of a strategy that didn’t work? What needs to be improved? It can be challenging to give (and receive) constructive feedback. Be open to feedback from others, work to refine your feedback skills over time, and craft your message carefully).

Feedback is important

Coachability is a key characteristic of the best and most effective coaches. In meetings and one-on-one sessions with your employees, ask them for ways you can improve your coaching role to help them achieve their performance and behavioral goals. Remain flexible, maintain perspective, and keep an open mind during the discussion.

Disputations between teams should be managed

You will inevitably have conflicts among your team members, regardless of your efforts to create a unified, communicative team. You should keep an eye out for interpersonal upheaval within your team, whether it’s a case of certain employees not pulling their weight or minor office bullying. Develop a procedure for dealing with and preventing these kinds of problems in the future by understanding these issues.

A brief summary

Develop a “toolkit” for Leadership coaching strategies to maximize your team management resources. As you gain additional experience in leadership and management, you can continue to use this resource as a quick, go-to reference in the future. In order to improve your coaching skills, continue to ask yourself, “What kind of strategies can I think of to help me improve? “If you remain dedicated to continuous improvement, you will see improvement over time.

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What Is Personal Growth and Why Is It So Important?

What Is Personal Growth and Why Is It So Important?

There’s a good chance your favorite entrepreneur has a personal growth coach.

Behind the scenes, they have someone helping them set goals and overcome obstacles, providing frameworks to help them become the best version of themselves. Especially when it comes to success, everyone needs a good cheerleader.

However, these secrets for personal growth are not only for those with significant power or responsibility. The pursuit of progress and personal development is something that we should all take part in. Our daily accomplishments and satisfaction are not only motivations for us to become better individuals, but also assets for our larger community.

Developing happiness, security, and fulfillment is a lifelong journey that can be challenging. Coaches help clients lead joyful, productive lives and find meaning in guiding and serving others.

How does a personal growth coach help you?

Coaches who specialize in personal growth build frameworks to support and encourage their clients to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals, no matter how big or small.

Personal growth coaches provide their clients with an alternative perspective on success by applying proven coaching techniques and frameworks based on behavioural and psychological sciences.

What is the importance of personal growth?

We live in a world where many people are struggling. Our time is a time of openness and endless possibilities, but also one that seems inaccessible. People live their ‘dream lives’ on social media and we are bombarded with images of unrealistic perfection. As we cope with the day-to-day, it can be hard to refrain from making unfair comparisons.

There is a rapid change taking place in our world beyond the superficial. Our professional and personal growth requires new skills of flexibility, adaptability, and agility.

Success requires us to adapt, break bad habits, and grow into our new environment. Personal growth is achieved in this way.

It is the work of becoming a better person, whether professionally or personally, to cultivate personal growth skills. It is our responsibility to acknowledge and overcome the challenges and hang-ups that hold us back so that we can lead the life we want.

Recognizing our short-term and long-term goals and identifying the obstacles we need to overcome helps us unlock our inner potential and bring our unique and specific gifts to the world.

These behaviors don’t come naturally to many of us. Our daily lives must be infused with reflection, personal development, and learning. For us to become our new selves, we have to focus consciously on developing healthier habits.

Personal growth coaches can help with this. As clients embark on their individual journeys, they guide them every step of the way. By helping their clients take control of their futures, they help them create the lives they want to live.

How do I become a personal growth coach?

It’s good news that personal growth coaches can work in any industry and are in high demand worldwide.

Whether you’re a doctor, an entrepreneur, a teacher, or a stay-at-home parent, personal development is crucial for you to succeed. It is important for fellow coaches to reflect and progress as well.

As a life coach specializing in personal development, you may choose to work in a particular industry, such as with busy business owners or new parents.

As a career coach, you might help your clients to navigate their careers, or as a life success coach, you might help them achieve their dreams. You may even become a resilience coach, empowering your clients to overcome challenges.

Personal Growth

Finding a coaching niche is a great way to offer your services to those who have experiences that you can speak to directly. Those going through a divorce or separation may benefit from your firsthand experience with negative relationships. You can be a beacon of success for others by sharing the insights and tools you have gained along the way.

Personal growth coach outcomes

With the help of a certified coach, you can experience life-changing results.

The goal of a life coach is to help their clients release their fears and doubts and stay motivated to overcome obstacles. To turn aspirations into action, they work with clients to identify short- and long-term goals and develop strategic plans.

In order to grow personally, it is necessary to know oneself intimately. In personal growth coaching, clients learn how to leverage their strengths and weaknesses for success. In addition to gaining a greater sense of self-awareness, clients gain a clearer understanding of their aspirations and how to get there.

Coaching time can be used to improve skills such as time management, self-motivation, or delegation. It is encouraged that they cultivate a growth mindset and develop adaptability and agility to cope with change.

As clients discover their true motivations and gain the confidence to request what they truly want, personal development work also improves their communication skills. As a result, clients are able to develop more fulfilling and satisfying relationships as a result of a greater understanding of the perspectives of others.

Coaches who specialize in personal development and life coaching can change the world. As a result of their work, their clients discover possibilities, build dreams, and transform their lives into an exciting journey of discovery.

What is the process for becoming a personal development coach?

There is no doubt that coaches can make a significant difference in the lives of their clients, but how do they learn?

The first requirement for a personal growth coach is that they have a desire to change the world. To make an impact on the people around them and to improve themselves, they must seek a way to do so.

Neither coaches nor super successful individuals possess an innate talent for personal growth. A coach must develop and learn the skills of personal development life coaching. Learning is a lifelong process for them.

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Effective Coaching Strategies for Team Success: 10 Best Strategies

Effective Coaching Strategies for Team Success: 10 Best Strategies

The Effective Coaching process

A Effective Coaching team or organization that lacks proper leadership and cohesion is likely to fail to reach its objectives. A company’s bottom line will increase when employees understand what is expected of them, the goals they are trying to meet, and how their contributions contribute to the team’s success.

The 10 coaching strategies described below will help you become a more effective manager by supporting your team members and supporting them.

Identify your employees’ strengths and weaknesses

Knowing your team is essential to being a great manager. Invest time in getting to know each of your employees better. Find out what each person excels at and what challenges them; what motivates them and what discourages them. Make sure each of your employees completes regular self-evaluations in addition to formal personality development tests so that you can maximize their productivity.

Transparency should be fostered

Building trust, forming relationships, and ensuring that everyone is on the same page are all benefits of being transparent with your employees. A company culture of open communication is fostered by starting with transparency at the top. Ask yourself these key questions to promote transparency within your team:

  • The question is, “How often do I allow others to get to know me? ”
  • “Have I clearly communicated my values and motivations to my team members? ”
  • Is my decision-making clear and consistent? ”
  • When I make a mistake or find an error in my own knowledge base, do I inform my teammates? ”

A leader cannot expect his or her team members to do anything they wouldn’t do themselves. Exemplify leadership.

The key to success is collaboration

Effective Coaching is depend on human nature to be competitive. It is therefore not unusual for office workers to compete within the workplace. The key is to avoid unhealthy competition, encourage collaboration, and acknowledge group accomplishments rather than individual ones, so that you can establish a team-oriented culture that inspires members to collaborate and support one another.

Effective Coaching

Make sure your goals and objectives are clear

Without strategic planning, it is virtually impossible to define objectives and goals clearly. Begin by brainstorming long-term goals with your team members after gathering them together. It is a good time to draw on individual strengths and encourage the team’s creativity, dedication, and commitment. To keep everyone accountable, establish a timeline that includes milestones and benchmarks to measure your team’s progress, cohesion, and achievements.

Success should be celebrated

The best way to keep your team motivated, inspired, and on track is to celebrate milestones and benchmark goals. Additionally, recognize the individual achievements of your team members as well as the group’s. In order to motivate individuals and teams, it is important to highlight everything from work anniversaries to personal achievements to professional gains.

Maintain a mutually trusting relationship

Efficacious coaching relationships are built on a foundation of balanced trust. You can establish trust by fostering transparency, but you may also want to maintain an open door policy; be friendly, clear, and non-judgmental in each coaching meeting; and show your employees that you care about them, regard them as valuable members of the team, and are keenly interested in their success.

Pave the Way for Success

You can’t expect your team to operate effectively without laying the groundwork for them to do so. Therefore, it’s critical for your team to have access to training, software, resources, strategies, materials, and anything else they might need to be successful in their roles—and if something is lacking, fill the gap as quickly as you can.

Constructive feedback should be shared

Employee feedback is one of the most critical aspects of employee coaching. Is there anything your employees have done well? Did any of your strategies fail? What needs to be improved? There can be a lot of difficulty in giving (and receiving) constructive feedback. You should craft your message carefully, refine your feedback skills over time, and be open to receiving feedback from others

Feedback is important

Coachability is one of the most important characteristics of the best and most effective coaches. As a coach, ask employees how you can improve in your role to help them achieve the performance and behavioral goals you’ve set. Maintain an open mind, remain flexible, and keep a perspective during the discussion.

Disputations between teams should be managed

It is inevitable that there will be Effective Coaching conflicts among your team members, even if you strive to build a cohesive, communicative team. Keep an eye out for interpersonal upheaval within your team, whether it’s employees who aren’t pulling their weight or minor office bullying. Implement a procedure for dealing with and preventing these kinds of problems in the future after fully understanding these issues.


Consider developing a “toolkit” for employee-coaching strategies to ensure that you’re maximizing your team’s performance. Besides serving as a quick reference in times of need, this will also be a valuable asset you can build as you gain more leadership and management experience. Ask yourself, “What strategies can I use to improve my coaching skills as I develop more effective coaching techniques?” Continuous improvement will only improve your coaching skills.

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10 Tips For Personal Development For Women

10 Tips For Personal Development For Women

You can enrich your mind for self-growth in many enjoyable ways that don’t require so much time to learn and develop yourself. Here are 10 tips personal development for women!

The first step is to ask more questions 

You can learn a great deal every day, without much effort, if you have an inquisitive mind. In areas you think you know well, asking questions can help you uncover fascinating insights you wouldn’t have found otherwise.

In addition to helping you discover what motivates someone who you admire, questions can uncover their success stories.

When you listen to the advice of a friend or mentor, you might find the inspiration you need to overcome personal challenges, advance in your career, or achieve your dreams. 

Goal-setting should be small and realistic

How should you eat an elephant? Slowly and steadily. When you only focus on the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the idea of personal development.

In order to improve yourself, it’s better to set small, realistic goals and work on them every day. Consider reading a book a month rather than a book a day if you don’t read much but would like to read more.

The smaller your goals are, the more motivated you will be, and the more confident you will be as a result. 

Every night, read a little

By reading for 15 minutes before bed, you can incorporate personal development for women into your daily routine. If you read before going to sleep, your mind will be calmed and nourished with nourishing thoughts.

Making reading before bed a habit will amaze you how much you can learn. As a result of their empowering stories and encouraging advice, most of the best books on personal development make excellent bedtime reading.

You gain a lot of valuable lessons when you spend a few minutes in someone else’s world. 

Find out what words you don’t know by looking them up 

When I read a book or an article and come across words that I don’t understand, I use my dictionary app to look them up. The program is great for learning and expanding your vocabulary.

It’s so easy to ignore words we don’t know – but searching them out can be so valuable. In addition to improving your reading comprehension, you’ll also improve your writing and speaking skills. 

You can sign up for newsletters by clicking here.

Rather than constantly exploring new sources of knowledge, why not let the knowledge come to you? You can do this by signing up for the newsletters on your favorite blogs, including this one.

When you sign up for a newsletter, you’ll regularly receive inspiration or information that can help you improve various aspects of your life. With it, you can get a continuous stream of interesting materials and put your learning on autopilot. 

In addition, newsletter subscribers usually receive exclusive content and freebies.

Nature is a great teacher

How do you make the most of your time spent outdoors? Finding peaceful moments to meditate and reflect on nature is an important part of personal growth.

Scientists have discovered that being in nature affects our brains and behavior, and that spending time outdoors increases our attention capacity, creativity, and ability to connect with others.

The simple pleasures of life can be deepened by engaging in activities such as hiking, watching sunsets, or walking in parks. 

Every day, learn a few words in a new language

The learning of a new language can be a thrilling experience and a concrete goal to strive for every day. The best way to get started is to learn simple phrases and introductions, which will help you have basic conversations in that language.

Learning new vocabulary and staying motivated with language personal development for women lessons can be made easier by downloading a language app. With each exercise completed and a point earned, language learning becomes more enjoyable.

Listening to kid audiobooks or watching foreign language movies are other stress-free ways to learn a new language. 

8) Make sure you learn from your mistakes 

Learning from your mistakes is one of the best ways to continuously improve. We are always making mistakes, so self-improvement is endless.

People with intrapersonal intelligence are reflective and analyze their actions and thoughts. In the future, it will be easier for you to get more satisfying results if you think about ways to handle a situation more effectively.

While you shouldn’t dwell on past experiences in a negative light, being self-aware can help you avoid repeating the same mistakes. 

9) Make a vision board 

It is possible to develop a love for self-improvement if you approach your goals with a creative mindset.

By creating a vision board, you can channel your energy more productively and visualize your goals. You can also use it to turn personal development into an ongoing project by setting clear intentions based on a lifestyle you want to achieve.

After you create your vision board, you will be reminded of your goals and dreams every day, even though the process requires some planning. 

10) Take your time 

Finally, be patient with yourself for personal development for women. Expect results to take time. The best way to achieve your goals is to stay persistent, which is the best thing you can do to see results faster.

Success is a melting iceberg of persistence that propels you towards the life you love. You’ll learn and grow more if you’re observant.

Once personal development is seen as a beautiful and lifelong endeavor, it will no longer seem like work.

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Career Change In 30s: What You Need to Know (2023)

Career Change In 30s: What You Need to Know

If you have a decent amount of work experience career change in 30s behind you, a change in this phase of your life can be both exciting and risky.

Making the decision to leave your current career to pursue something new can be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make.

It may not be your career, but your job that causes dissatisfaction.

Think twice before you trade in your suit and tie for a chef’s apron. Consider what you’re getting into before switching if you decide to do so.

Career Change at 30: Reasons for Making a Change

It is not uncommon for us to wish to career change in 30s when what we really dislike is our current job. Perhaps you don’t get along with your boss, or you don’t like your nosy coworkers. Even if you disagree with a company’s decisions, those decisions don’t affect you. Career problems are not necessarily related to your job.

If you love your boss, the company is making all the right moves, and you love your coworkers, but you still dread Mondays, then your career may be the problem.

Identify what’s bugging you about your current job by taking some time to analyze it. Can you fix it without changing your entire career? Is there something you need that your current job cannot provide?

It’s time to take on a new challenge.

It’s possible that you are “settled” in your job. You are familiar with all the processes and procedures. There are no more processes to streamline, because you’ve streamlined so many. You arrive at work, sit down, know exactly what tasks need to be completed, when to take a break for lunch, where you’ll have lunch, and everything is finished by 5:00.

Isn’t that kind of boring?

Maybe you’re craving new challenges. Perhaps it’s time for a career change in 30s if you feel like you’ve learned everything there is to know about your job.

You don’t have to start a new career to make a change. Transferring to a different position within the same company might be an option. Your benefits (and possibly your pay level) will remain the same while you take on a new set of challenges. A new challenge outside your normal responsibilities might re-energize your growth if there’s nothing to transfer to.

Your priorities have changed.

A baby might have been born to you. A parent is aging or you have a parent who needs care. You might have a spouse in the military. You can be forced to reevaluate your priorities by a million things. Maybe you’re no longer interested in the corner office. Maybe you don’t like the direction your current career is taking. There’s just something about your new priorities and your current career that don’t match.

Passion is something you want to pursue.

During your childhood, you probably dreamed of being an astronaut or a zookeeper. Over time, you discarded some of the more outrageous ideas (professional dinosaur) and chose something a little more realistic (accountant).

It doesn’t mean you’re passionate about something realistic. Maybe you’ve always dreamed of creating a comic book or performing stand-up. Whatever your passion may be, you’ve decided not to waste any more time, and you’re going for it.

Choosing a career can seem like it’ll give you everything you want. When you reach the top of that field, you realize you’re not happy.

You shouldn’t think a job can make you happy, but you should enjoy what you do. It’s time to reassess your career path if you dread Monday mornings because you hate going to work.

Career Change: Pros and Cons

career change in 30s and considering changing careers, weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision. Even if you don’t let the cons stop you, keep the following in mind.

Career Change In 30s

Having experience in another field may be a disadvantage for you.

It may seem difficult to leave behind your years of experience when considering a career change at 30. It’s likely that you haven’t attended high school or college for more than ten years. Maybe you’ve honed your craft or moved up to a manager position. The prospect of starting over can seem overwhelming.

Employers may prefer someone with experience.

Many new graduates face this catch-22: you need experience to get a job, but you need a job to get experience. Applying for jobs without related experience can be difficult if your new career field isn’t related to your old one.

There is the potential for extra time to be spent.

Training will likely take extra time in your schedule, unless your new career field doesn’t require experience and you feel confident you can land a job. If you don’t have the time, think about how you’re going to find it.

You may have to work until 5:00 p.m. at your current job and then spend your evenings and weekends getting experience in your new field. In order to achieve your goal, you might have to sacrifice your free time and time with family and friends.

Pay and benefits may be cut.

career change in 30s, you may have to start at a lower pay grade than you would like. If you’re interested in making less money, you should examine your budget and finances. Taking on a part-time job may be a good option if it isn’t.

Additionally, at your current job, you may have worked your way up to six weeks vacation, plus five personal days, plus eight weeks sick leave. It’s possible that you have some extra time. Leaving your current job will cost you everything. At your new job, you might have just two weeks vacation and three PTO days to work with.

There’s no such thing as too late.

It’s important to keep in mind that you have many more working years left in your 30s if you decide to change careers. It is possible to gain 10 years or more of experience in your new career field if you start in your 30s. You may also achieve success faster than a fresh (and inexperienced) college grad with all of your transferable experience.

Pro: You might earn more money and receive better benefits.

A career change in your 30s may also result in more money. In some industries, the starting wage can be higher than the wage of an experienced employee. If you change sectors, you might discover that bonuses and raises are higher, allowing you to earn more. Your career may be changing or you may be switching to a more lucrative field.

Despite your inexperience, the new field may have a more generous vacation and leave policy than your current one.

The skills you offer are more diverse.

It is possible that even if you do not have specific experience, you have unique skills that no one else can provide. As a person who has worked for at least 10 years, you have gained “life” experience that less “seasoned” workers lack.

You also have a track record that (hopefully) demonstrates that you are reliable and loyal. There are times when these things are more valuable than experience in any field!

Your work life can be energized by a new career.

One reason for changing careers is that the old one wasn’t fulfilling anymore. Changing careers can be a boost of energy if you feel uninspired at work, feel uninspired in your job, or have no room for professional growth. Even though starting something new can be scary, it can also be life-giving and motivating. Changing jobs can be a great change of pace and can change your attitude about your job from hating it to liking it.

How to Change Careers in Your 30s

It’s time to plan your career shift if you can’t take another day in your current job.

Find a new job in the same field.

Consider a lateral job change if you’re happy in your industry, but are unhappy in your job position. You should look for a job that allows you to use the skills you already have, as well as learn new ones.

Consider a new position that lets you experience the customer side of your industry if all you’ve ever done is the business side. In the long run, you’ll gain valuable skills and insights into your industry, making you a more desirable employee.

Additionally, you’ll be taking on new challenges, which might scratch the career change itch you’ve been feeling without having to learn a new industry.

Run it through a test.

Before you commit to a new career area or a different job in the same industry, give it a try. There may be a sense of glamour associated with your new career path or job. There’s always more to a job than meets the eye, as you probably know.

Before you begin your new career, consider volunteering. If you test drive your new career for a few months, you’ll be able to determine whether you’re making the right decision, or whether you need to rethink the move.

Freelancing may be an alternative to volunteering. You can test the waters with freelance gigs in some careers (writing, graphic design). If you freelance, you probably won’t make much money (in fact, you might feel like you’re volunteering!). The advantage of this is that you get to know the field and get a few portfolio pieces together if you decide to pursue it.

Consider taking a “working vacation.”

It is not always possible to volunteer or freelancing. Then you might want to consider a “working vacation.”

Take advantage of your vacation time to explore career options. Consider scheduling informational interviews, attending networking events, and researching your new career. You should take advantage of the time to establish contacts and learn as much as you can.

You might be able to “intern” in the job depending on your contacts. For career changers who are unable to make those connections, there are organizations that help them find individuals in new fields to test drive jobs.

Get re-educated.

Find out if you need to go back to school for a degree as you research your new career. If you want to get started, consider taking a boot camp or certification course.

Changing careers in your 30s: How to do it successfully

Changing careers in your 30s can be a great opportunity. Consider all your options before making a decision.

Are you still nervous? For inspiration, read about a teacher who changed careers after 10 years. You’ve decided to do something, but don’t know where to begin? Check out our tips for writing a career change resume.

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The Role Of A Startup Business Coach & Benefits (2023)

Startup Business Coach - The Role Of A Startup Business Coach & Benefits

They serve as a mentor for the company Startup Business Coach . By assessing the depth of a business’s challenges, they assist entrepreneurs in overcoming them.

The inputs of a business mentor can help businesses like Facebook and Google outpace their competitors.

You already have some level of technical expertise regarding your business. You can’t do it all, however. There are a variety of startup needs.

The benefits of hiring a startup business coach

1. Motivate yourself with the help of a startup business coach

It’s been a while since you planned to launch your startup company. Although you have the money and the physical structures, you aren’t sure how to proceed. This can be handled by an entrepreneur consultant. A qualified business coach will motivate you to achieve great things. Thus, you will achieve your short- and long-term goals quickly.

2. Business coaching services to support your expansion

You can reach the number of products and services to deliver and the population of consumers once you get your business rolling. As the population, demographics, and characteristics of your clients change, this tends to change. Suppose, for instance, a business was established in an agrarian community. The industrial revolution begins. Thus, the demand for certain products or services will change both in quality and quantity within the same community. In order to meet consumer demands, it is necessary to expand or change strategy. A business coach can help you make the right long-term decisions for your business.

Government policies, security issues, economic crises, and other issues, such as emigration, can all pose challenges. You can benefit from the assistance of a startup business coach in situations like this. You will be able to keep up with the new trends with their help. You can rebrand your business and expand it into new markets with their professional skills. It may require a big shake-up, but the company needs to move forward. Depending on the challenges, more experts might be hired or existing ones may be laid off.

 Startup Business Coach

3. Keeping you objective

Setting goals and objectives at the beginning of your startup business is crucial. Sometimes, human factors can thwart this process. After ten years of operation, your business may have set an objective to employ more people or be the largest employer Startup Business Coach. Or that you want to become the biggest producer and exporter of a particular good or service. There are many factors that can affect all of these objectives. Your attitude toward your work or your belief that you have accomplished your goals can be examples of these.

Business will run on autopilot. Other factors could include ill health, legal disputes, family crises, and social security issues. Therefore, it is possible to get off track. When you get off course, the startup coach will realign you. The coach’s job is to ensure that the right thing is done. In spite of the fact that you may not be aware of it, a professional will know what is best for your establishment. To avoid some of these unforeseen circumstances, it is advised to hire a business coach at the onset of developing the business plan.

4. Challenges overcome

In starting your business on the right track, you may be proud of how far you have come. I’m glad to hear that! There is no one person who knows everything. Your success might be undermined by ambiguous or unclear economic challenges.

With the help of your online Startup Business Coach, you will untie the folded and unclear areas so that you will emerge successful and more progressive. As a result, you can imagine how much more success you could have achieved with the help of others.

Coaching can double, amplify, or multiply your results a hundred times. When people work in a friendly environment where their contributions and ideas are valued, they are more proactive and productive. Business coaches for entrepreneurs contribute to virtually every aspect of business and economy.

5. Enhance Your Skill Set

We all have our areas of expertise, regardless of whether we are educated or not. Your products or services may be good in production, but not in marketing. Marketing your products and services is easier with executive coaching for startups. In the same way, vice versa. As a result, the world is more technologically driven than ever before, and this trend is only going to continue. Today, social media and other traditional media are the best ways to sell your business, products, and services. It is impossible to do everything alone and achieve success.

6. Networking opportunities are available through your Startup Business Coach

A business coach can provide you with excellent networking opportunities. Business coaches often have great connections with influential and powerful professionals. Through their connections, they can assist startup owners in identifying leadership gaps. A workplace culture that promotes new business relationships can also be created with their help.

Business coaches have a wide range of networking opportunities. Your business can grow by leveraging those networks.

7. Improve Your Self-Confidence

There may be times when you are at a crossroads. Your business is confused and you don’t know what to do next. You are losing both your confidence and your efforts. You don’t know whether to increase production or services; to increase prices or to pursue new markets. Yes, of course! It could be exhausting! Bringing in a business coach will boost your confidence, however.

They can help you grow your business with their experience and expertise. To get there, they will advise you on the steps to take. Sharing a problem is half-solving it, according to the principle of ‘a problem shared is a problem half-solved’. They will Startup Business Coach usually go beyond the basics and provide a lasting solution to the problem and any future problems. Getting them involved and letting them do their job is the most important thing.

Confidently making business decisions

Entrepreneurs can easily avoid uncertainty and doubt by working with a coach. As a result, their decision-making process is enhanced. Another great reason to hire a Startup Business Coach is to see your vision become a reality.

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Best Career Coaching & Do I Need One (Updated 2023)

Best Career Coaching & Do I Need One

Students come first at Forage and career coaching. Our editorial team writes our blog articles independently. Our partners have not paid for or sponsored them. Please see our full editorial guidelines.

It is probably the athletic coach who motivates players to perform at their best that comes to mind when you think of a coach. Coaches outside of sports can also motivate you to perform at your best.

An example of such a coach is a career coach. Whether or not you’ve heard the term, you may wonder what a career coach does, how they can help you, and do I need one? In what ways will they motivate me to succeed in my career? Exercise is involved?

It depends on the coach! Using this guide, you’ll learn what a career coach is, what they can do for your career, and how to decide if you’d benefit from it:

How Does a Career Coach Work?

Heather Starr, a career coach and resume writer, says “career coach” refers to a wide variety of career service professionals, including career advisors, career consultants, career counselors, and yes, career coaches. These professionals work with clients to help them achieve career goals, whether it is clarifying their career direction, conducting a job search, or developing application materials.

According to career coach Tracy Capozzoli Ed.S., MS, a career coach can help you identify your work interests, skills, and work values (or motivators). Their goal is to equip their clients with knowledge about the world of work, industries, and occupations and how they relate to career advancement, career pivots, career changes, and job hunting.”

Think of a career coach as a partner in your professional development. You can maximize your career potential with the right coach.

The difference between a career coach and a career counselor

The term “career coach” is a catch-all. Career coaches and career counselors differ slightly, and one may be better suited to your needs than the other.

Some career counselors may also have degrees in psychology, social work, or counseling. Therefore, they can also help you identify any other personal issues interfering with your career goals in addition to helping you determine your next career steps. Career coaching is often a short-term process, while career counseling may take longer, depending on your situation.

How Does a Career Coach Help?

Career coaches come from a variety of backgrounds, so there is no one-size-fits-all career coaching solution. All career coaches want to help you figure out what you need to do to have the career you want.

‘Career coaches come from a variety of professional and educational backgrounds, ranging from human resources to careers counseling to industry expertise,’ says Capozzoli. Their goal is to help clients reach their career goals through partnership, guidance, and education.”

As Starr points out, “some coaches help their clients develop and implement a plan to improve their leadership abilities or other skills in order to advance within their current positions.”. Many specialize in career transitions, while others work with specific clients, such as new graduates or C-Suite executives. Depending on their own professional experience, coaches may also specialize by industry.”

Career Coaching

A career coach can help you with the following items:

  • Finding out what career or careers interest you
  • Branding yourself professionally
  • Resume writing and revision
  • How to conduct an effective job search
  • Maintaining motivation and developing it
  • Preparation for interviews
  • Techniques for networking
  • Negotiating a job offer: tips and guidance
  • Writing a cover letter
  • Evaluation of careers, personalities, and strengths
  • Identifying potential employers

Career Coaches don’t do these things

A career coach can help you achieve your professional goals, but they cannot wave a magic wand and fix everything. It is also important to know what a career coach cannot do for you when you work with them.

Get Your Problems Solved

Career coaches cannot solve your career problems for you. If you are experiencing career difficulties, they can offer you objective advice, be a friendly ear to vent to, and provide you with options, but they can’t fix them.

We’ll find you a job

People sometimes work with a career coach in the hopes that the coach will get them a job. That’s not the case, however. The coach can help you prepare for interviews and write your cover letter, but it’s up to you to impress the hiring manager.

All the work must be done

The key to working with a career coach is to open up and work hard. Career coaches may not be right for you if you are not ready for that part of the experience.

In order to gain access to your desired company or industry, many coaches will advise you on improving your networking efforts. However, they cannot do your networking for you! You may not get what you want if you decide not to network at all.

Career Coaching: What to Expect

A career coach can provide you with objective, unbiased feedback and support to help you achieve your career goals. Among them are:

  • Feeling down? Here’s some encouragement
  • Making sure you do what you’re supposed to do is accountability
  • Keep your focus: to avoid going down a rabbit hole
  • To act as a guide and assist you in structuring your work

What Are the Signs That I Need a Career Coach?

Are you unsure whether you need a career coach? You can gauge this by considering if you’re meeting your professional career goals on your own,” says Starr. You probably don’t need a coach if you know where you want your career to go and are making forward progress. If you feel stuck and need unbiased assistance, a coach can be a great resource.”

Feeling “stuck” can mean many different things. Find out if career coaching is right for you by looking out for these signs.

Feeling lost in your Career Coaching

There are times when the career you thought you wanted isn’t what you expected. Or maybe it’s everything you thought it would be, but it doesn’t work for you. It may seem that something isn’t quite right at work, but you can’t pinpoint what it is.

A Career Coaching can help you sort through things and determine what you can do to improve your professional situation if you’re feeling lost at work. According to Capozzoli, it could be anything from finding greater personal satisfaction at work to having your work match and support your values.

You’ve hit a snag in your job search

Finding a new job takes approximately five months. If your job search has lasted a little longer than that, don’t despair. If your job search is taking longer than average, you may want to consult with a coach to determine what is blocking your progress.

Whether your resume isn’t getting you an interview or your interviewers aren’t getting you offers, a coach can help you figure out why.

Your career journey is just beginning

After four or so years of study, you may not have a clear idea of what career you want. Even though you majored in “business,” there’s a lot you can do with it, and you don’t know where to start.

Identify what might be a good fit for you and figure out how to get started with the help of a career coach.

A Career Coach’s Qualities

It is crucial to connect with someone you enjoy working with and who listens to you since your career has such an impact on your life. 

According to Starr, people should seek a coach who will actively listen to them and help them identify their needs. Moreover, Capozzoli advises anyone considering working with a coach to “ask prospective coaches for informational sessions.”. Most coaches offer free consultations. See if they are the right coach for you by taking advantage of this offer.”

Don’t feel obligated to work with the Career Coaching you meet. Before hiring a coach, shop around and speak with a few.

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How to Start a Conversation on Tinder: 12 Best Dos and Don’ts

How to Start a Conversation on Tinder: 12 Best Dos and Don'ts

In the digital age, How to Start a Conversation on Tinder dating apps are a staple for single people, and they don’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. Millions of people around the world use Tinder, so you won’t run out of potential matches!

It never hurts to brush up on your Tinder etiquette, whether you’re new to the app or an avid user. You’ve probably broken some unspoken Tinder rules without even realizing it.

Making a connection with a match might be a simple fix! How many awkward first conversations have you had on Tinder?

Starting a conversation with a potential love interest online can be intimidating, but don’t worry!

1. Compliment a photo

You don’t have to be weird about it! For instance, if they have a picture of a beach, compliment them on what an awesome photo it is and ask where it was taken.

2. Don’t Start with “Hey”

Ah, sigh. Everyone dislikes opening up a Tinder conversation with a message that says “Hi.” Doesn’t seem like much effort, does it? It’s officially the most boring conversation in the history of dating apps. They say “Hi,” you say “How’s it going,” and voila! (And won’t lead anywhere.)

3. Send something flirty

Flirting is okay as long as it doesn’t seem creepy. Put a bit of teasing into it, such as, “You like pineapple on pizza?” I need an explanation.” ( 😉)

4. Be the first to move, don’t wait

It doesn’t matter who makes the first move! Go for it if you’re interested. It’s never too late to try, is it?

5. Don’t be afraid to ask about their interests

Check out their interests and hobbies to see if you have anything in common. In the end, there’s nothing better than realizing you both love true-crime documentaries.

6. Don’t be too aggressive

Although you don’t want to keep your initial greeting too short (looking at you, people who say “heyyy”), you also don’t want to tell your entire life story. Until you receive a response, you shouldn’t bombard them with messages.

How to Start a Conversation on Tinder

7. Keep it simple

Tinder conversations should be simple, but engaging. I’d say, “Hey there!” Do you have anything exciting planned this week? ”

8. Don’t wait too long to respond

Show them your love if you’re into them! You should give them a chance to take their finger off the enter key before responding, but don’t let them think you aren’t interested.

9. Don’t be afraid to ask questions

Start the conversation with a good question. You can simply say, “You seem to like corny humor like I do, do you have any good dad jokes? ”

10. Don’t talk about super deep topics

On Tinder, no one wants to hear your political or philosophical commentary right away. When you’re dating, save the deep conversations.

11. Make sure your spelling and grammar are correct

Typos happen, but if they’re overtly bad, they can ruin a conversation. Their only concern will be correcting “your” to “you’re”.

12. Make sure you take a look at their profile

Make sure you read it thoroughly! Take the time to get to know each other before starting a conversation on Tinder. It might just help you figure out what to say.

Here are some funny ways to start a Tinder conversation

1. Does your name appear on Wi-Fi? It feels like we are connected.

2. Your beauty made me forget my pickup line.

3. As a booger, I’d pick you first.

4. For a day, was your dad king? To create a princess like you, he must have been very special.

5. You’re Google, right? This is what I was looking for, and I found it.

6. Do you come here often?

7. It’s been a while since you messaged me, but I guess I’ll take one for the team.

8. Can I exercise by swiping through this dating app?

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